A Case Approach to Perioperative Drug-Drug Interactions
A Case Approach to Perioperative Drug-Drug Interactions PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
The occurrence of deleterious or even fatal drug-drug interactions (DDIs) in the perioperative period is no longer a theoretical concern but a harrowing reality. A Case Approach to Perioperative Drug-Drug Interactions addresses the complex realm of pharmacokinetic drug interactions in an easy-to-read volume that functions as both a comprehensive clinical reference and a casebook. The book presents a summary of the core concepts of drug interactions; an organized, annotated presentation of the drug interactions most relevant to the perioperative clinician; and approximately 200 case scenarios that highlight specific drug interactions. This book fills a real void in the clinical literature and is invaluable to anesthesiologists and surgeons, as well as trainees in both specialties; intensive care staff, including physicians, physician’s assistants, and nurses; and nurse practitioners who staff preoperative evaluation clinics.
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